Where did we come from and why are we here?
God created human beings to enjoy a loving relationship with him and with each other. Life was good! “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.” Genesis 1:31
What went wrong?
Adam and Eve (the first humans) disobeyed God’s one command to them. Genesis 2:17. This put a barrier between God and humans, which continues to this day. We frequently ignore or reject God and go our own way, doing what we want, instead of what is right. God calls these failings “sin” – “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23.
What are the consequences?
As a result of our sin, our world experiences war, famine, pain, etc and we spend our time searching for something to fill the void that only a loving relationship with God can fill.
“My soul finds rest in him alone.” Psalm 62:1.
If we choose to ignore or reject God, we will be separated from him forever in eternity.
Is there a remedy?
Thankfully, God never gave up on humanity! He continues to love us faithfully and wants to rescue us, not condemn us. He has provided a way for us to become reconciled to him.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16.
Sinless Jesus, God’s son, took the punishment that we deserve. He suffered and died on the cross as a substitute for us so that we can be completely forgiven and restored to a loving relationship with God here and forever – into eternity. Jesus rose from the dead and is still alive today, proving that he has power over sin and all its consequences – even death.
What does Jesus’s gift mean for us?
Jesus’s sacrifice makes a relationship with God possible again – a relationship which gives us love, freedom, peace, lasting joy, real hope, eternal life!
“I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10.10.
If we accept Jesus’s gift, our future is secure. We will live with our loving God eternally, in a place of pure joy and perfect peace, called heaven, where there is no fear, worry, sickness, tears!
What is our response?
The choice to accept or reject Jesus’s offer is ours – but how can we possibly refuse such a priceless gift?! All we have to do is talk to God – tell him we’re sorry for our sins; thank him that Jesus took the punishment we deserve; tell him we accept his free and undeserved gift of love and forgiveness, and ask him to help us enjoy a loving relationship with him now and forever.
God values every human being and he will lovingly accept EVERYONE who takes this step – whoever we are, whatever our past or present!
The most important decision we will ever make
If you are exploring Christianity, we would encourage you to read the Bible for yourself – see free online Bible.
If you would like to talk to someone about Christianity, please feel free to contact us at admnarpc@gmail.com.