‘Crumbs! He called me a dog! Syro-Phonecian woman.’ – Mark 7:24-30

Led by Rev. Colin Dickson


Call to worship – Apostle’s Creed

Praise – Lord I Come to You
Praise – Filled With Compassion

Prayer of adoration and confession – Heather Moore

Reading – Mark 7:24-30 – Heloísa Malaque

Baptism – Clarice Neves Santos

Aaronic Blessing (sung by congregation)

Praise – I’m special

Offering – No offering is lifted but it is brought to the front


Prayers for others – Colin

Sermon – Crumbs! He called me a dog! Syro-Phonecian woman (Mark 7:24-30)

Praise – Great is Thy Faithfulness
