‘Confident in Christ of his power and love’ – Luke 1:1-17



Call to worship – Philippians 2: 5- 11 (starting with Christ Jesus…)

Intro to the Living Well group (Heather)

Praise – The King of Love my Shepherd MP 649 (6 verses)

Prayers of Adoration and Confession (Robin Brown)

1st Reading Ps 46 (NIV) (Daphne Bell)

Children’s address: “Jesus loves me” (Heather)

Praise- Jesus loves me 3 verses

Offering – The offering is brought to the front but no prayer is required

2nd Reading Luke 7: 1-17 Joan Barry

Prayers of Intercession Sam

Praise- I know not why MP 279 (4 verses)

Sermon: Confident in Christ of his power and love (Rev. Sam)

Praise Guide me O thou great Jehovah MP 201 (3 verses)

Closing Prayer and Benediction