“Be Strong & Stand Against Satan” – Ephesians 6:10-13

Led by Rev. Sam Mawhinney.

Click here to download the sermon notes handout for children.

Welcome & Call to Worship

Opening Hymn: This Is My Father’s World

Act Of Remembrance

Prayers of Adoration and Confession 

Reading: Ephesians 6:10-18

Sermon: “Be Strong & Stand Against Satan”

Hymn Of Reflection: O Church, Arise (Arise, Shine)

Prayers for Others


Closing Hymn: Yet Not I, But Through Christ In Me


Click here to read a transcript of today’s sermon.

Discussion & Application

The ongoing battle between God and Satan is a reality. Discuss your understanding or experience of spiritual warfare.

Power is found in the gospel! Remind yourself of the gospel by re-reading Eph. 1:3-14 and 3:16-21.

What are some of the ways the devil attacks us?

Who is NOT our enemy and how should this impact the way we live and “take our stand”?