Advent 2020: “A Cry For Justice”

Led by Rev. Sam Mawhinney.

Click here to download the sermon notes handout for children.

Welcome & Advent Candle Lighting

Opening Hymn: IPH 318 God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen

Prayers of Adoration and Confession 

Reflection: O Come, Rod Of Jesse

Reading: Jeremiah 33:1-16

Sermon: “A Cry For Justice”

Praise: IPH 646 Great Is The Darkness

Prayers for Others

Closing Hymn: IPH 325 Joy To The World



Click here to read a transcript of today’s sermon.

Children’s Corner

Advent Alphabet: This activity helps us remember the story of that first Christmas and how Christians around the world have celebrated since using the 26 letters of the alphabet! Some letters can be pretty tricky, so click here to see what words we’ve come up with this past week!

Discussion & Application

Accept: Take a moment to consider the depth of your sin. Then, compare it to the amazing gift of righteousness we are offered in Christ and take some time to praise God with thanksgiving for this precious, undeserved gift.

Put On: Last month in Ephesians 6, Paul instructed us to put on the Breastplate of Christ’s Righteousness (v.14). What practical steps can you take each day to put it on?

Pass On: Having accepted Jesus, put on His righteousness, and experienced the wonderful gift of peace with God that it brings (Romans 5:1-11), how might you pass on this message of hope to your family, friends, and colleagues (e.g. sending a short note of encouragement to let them know you’re thinking of and praying for them this Advent season)?

Pray: What injustice are you experiencing in your own life? What injustice do you see in the world around you? Set aside some time in this busy season to contemplate these things and carry them to God in prayer, crying to Jesus for justice.