“Walking With Jesus: The Road To Jerusalem” – Luke 19:28-44

Led by Rev. Sam Mawhinney.

Click here to download the sermon notes handout for children.

Welcome & Call to Worship

Opening Hymn: IPH 360 What A Wonderful Saviour

Prayers of Adoration and Confession 

Reading: Luke 19:28-44

Sermon: “The Road To Jerusalem”

Walking With Jesus: Rachel’s Story

Praise: Christ Is Mine Forevermore

Prayers for Others


Closing Hymn: IPH 449 Crown Him With Many Crowns


Click here to read a transcript of today’s sermon.

Discussion & Application

Discuss walking as a metaphor for the Christian life.

What evidence is there in the Palm Sunday story to prove Jesus is the Messiah (Saviour)?

Consider the responses in the passage to Jesus. What challenge does that bring to “you”?