Service of Induction of Rev. Colin Dickson

Led by Rev. John Woodside

Click here to download the sermon notes handout for children.

Call to Worship 

Opening Praise:  How lovely is your dwelling place



Praise:  Be still for the presence of the Lord

Offering: In aid of the Students’ Bursary Fund

Prayers of Thanksgiving & Dedication


Constitution of the Presbytery

Confirmation to Proceed (Acting Clerk)

Declaration (Moderator)

Statement of the Standards of the Church and Rule of Faith (Acting Clerk)

Prescribed Questions (Moderator)


Prayer of Induction (Minister kneels and congregation stands)

Declaration and Right Hand of Fellowship

Praise: My heart is filled with thankfulness

Sermon/Charge: Rev. John Woodside

Closing Praise: I cannot tell why He whom angels worship


Dublin and Munster Presbytery Commission

Moderator – Rev. Richard Houston
Acting Clerk – Mrs Margaret McKenna
Convener – Rev. Alan Boal
Elders – Ms. Olivia Smith, Mr Kevin Hargaden